SLB 2024: Not Lost in Translation: Innate and Adaptive Immunity

BIG Science at a comfortable, welcoming, and affordable meeting.  Join SLB in 2024 and see why attendees enjoy our community so much! Registration is OPEN! Look for late breaking abstract submission to open July 29th through August 20th.
October 22-25, 2024, Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center of Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, USA
Chairs: Amanda Brown, Johns Hopkins University, Jamie Sturgill, University of Kentucky & Nathaniel Lartey, University of Michigan
Download the flyer and help spread the word!


Meet the Speakers...


Following in the long tradition of SLB, this meeting will showcase the latest scientific advances in understanding fundamental immune mechanisms of leukocyte biology in health and disease. This meeting will bring together leukocyte biologists who work in a trans-disciplinary fashion to conduct basic, clinical, and/or translational research.

Featuring Keynote Speaker and 2024 Legacy Awardee, Alfred Ayala, Rhode Island Hospital who will be presenting "Mechanisms of Immune Dysfunction in Sepsis/Shock: Some Unique Roles for Checkpoint Proteins". Check back for more information about all of our wonderful confirmed speakers and start planning you abstract and award submissions!

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors for your support:


Special Opportunity with JLB

Be a part of a Special JLB Dedicated SLB 2024 Meeting Issue.

The Journal of Leukocyte Biology will publish a Special Focus issues with articles related to the SLB 2024 meeting, both review papers ("overviews") and original investigations. Submissions will be welcomed from all meeting participants, and all will be peer-reviewed according to the high standards of the JLB. Look for the schedule for submission onsite at the meeting.