Excellence in Leukocyte Biology Awards

The SLB Excellence in Leukocyte Biology (ELB) program is a merit award program created to recognize excellence in the work of our established research scientists at the early career and mid-career stage. Established researchers are no longer in a training position and perform independent research in an academic, industry, or government setting with independent (often peer-reviewed) research funding. Those in a government or industry setting without independent funding are encouraged to contact us for case specific consideration. Members may self-identify their career levels and apply to the appropriate subcategory. All awards require current society membership to apply. Individuals can reapply unless they previously won the top prize for this award. Up to three finalists for each category will be chosen based on submitted abstracts and accomplishments to date. The finalists will compete by giving oral presentations at the Annual Meeting; 20 mins per presentation. Finalists will be judged on their oral presentation as well as their ability to answer questions about their work. Funds for these awards are provided by the Society for Leukocyte Biology with the prizes in each category being $2,000 for the winner and $1,000 for the finalist(s). The ELB winner(s), as decided by the onsite competition, will be expected to write an invited review article related to their work for JLB. This will come in the form of a communication from the JLB EiC during or after the annual conference. All applicants not chosen as ELB Finalists will still be considered for poster and/or oral presentations per their abstract submission. The Awards Committee will review all applications and ensure equitable review and opportunity for all candidates.

Please refer to the application instructions and abstract system for specific application requirements.