- European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society
- International Eosinophil Society, Inc. (IES)
- Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society
- The American Association of Immunologist (AAI)
- Inflammation Research Association (IRA)
- International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS)
- Phagocytes.net
- Barth Syndrome Foundation
- National Postdoctoral Association
Other Resources:
- NIAID-funded Public Database of Epitopes: www.immuneepitope.org
- NIH Tetramer Core Facility: tetramer.yerkes.emory.edu
- miRBase: The microRNA Database: http://www.mirbase.org/
- A non-profit Plasmid Repository: http://www.addgene.com
- The Cell - An Image Library: http://www.cellimagelibrary.org