Dolph O. Adams Award
This annual award is named in honor of the outstanding macrophage researcher Dolph O. Adams, MD, Ph.D. The award is to recognize excellence of an investigator working in the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms of host defense and inflammation. The awardee will be selected from among junior/mid-career candidates as defined by having completed their doctoral and post-doctoral training and having held a full-time faculty or equivalent position for no more than 12 years. Eligible institutions include colleges, universities, medical centers, hospitals, and non-profit research institutes. Candidates apply during abstract submission in conjunction with the annual meeting. The application package must include a letter of recommendation/nomination by the chair of the department or research institution, a fellow faculty member, or a well-known scientist working in the same area of research as the candidate. The award will provide a cash prize and will include registration fees and travel expenses for the recipient to attend the annual SLB meeting. 2010 was the inaugural year for the Dolph O. Adams award in this particular format, replacing the previous award with the same title which was focused on the JLB.
Past Dolph O. Adams Award Winners